* Get Array of Unique Objects in Servicenow (14-06-2024)

* Copy to Clipboard in Servicenow (22-03-2024)

* Golang: Azure Functions Blob Storage Output Binding (26-02-2024)

* Make git work with multiple accounts (11-08-2022)

* Web requests with basic authentication in Powershell (05-07-2022)

* Compare two dates in ServiceNow (10-05-2022)

* Generate Access Tokens for Microsoft Services With Powershell (09-02-2022)

* Generate Microsoft Partner Center Refresh Token (03-11-2021)

* Azure Device Flow Authentication in Go (22-10-2021)

* Get status code for failed webrequests in Powershell (23-09-2021)

* Get type definition in Powershell (27-08-2021)

* Interacting with Azure Key Vault in Go (20-08-2021)

* Working with comments and work notes in ServiceNow (17-08-2021)

* Get changed fields in server scripts in ServiceNow (17-08-2021)

* Golang: Generate Random Numbers (13-08-2021)

* Golang: Format Date and Time (13-08-2021)

* Improving Powershell Profile (18-06-2020)

* Getting Started With Azure Functions (19-02-2020)

* Enable External Booking of Meeting Rooms (14-02-2020)

* Powershell Extract Windows Spotlight Images (12-12-2018)

* Exchange Online: Check your tenant for forwarding rules (07-12-2018)

* ServiceNow: Sending notifications to Microsoft Teams (29-11-2018)